Totalview Update


Thursday February 9, 2023
Greetings District 300 Members,
During today’s M&M meeting with the company, the union expressed the continued frustration of our members regarding the neglect of totalview with upper management.
As mentioned on the chat yesterday, I did escalate the issue with totalview to RESOPS in Montreal yesterday and again today. We did get an apology from the company and they are in the process of making changes to ensure that the schedule will be updated in a timely manner.
Your voices were heard loud and clear. Changes are needed in order for everyone to plan their lives.
The union will continue to put pressure on the company to better manage the day to day operation.
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair

Shift Bid Reminders
Thursday December 8, 2022
Greetings District 300 Members,
As we come to the end of another shift bid, I would like to remind all members to pay attention to your new break times attached to your new shifts. Also, when your new shift and vacation are loaded in Total View, it is your responsibility to check that the information is correct. You can avoid any misunderstandings by logging into totalview at the beginning of each shift, read and acknowledge any changes to your schedule. Please check your company email for the upcoming bid package.
Minimum Rest time
Art.6.04.01 If an employee will not have nine (9) hours free from duty between leaving work and reporting for duty for the next scheduled shift, the employee will be relieved from reporting for duty until nine (9) hours have elapsed without any time debit. Alternatively, if the Company requires the employee to report for duty for the next scheduled shift, then the difference between the actual time they were free from duty and the nine (9) hours they should have been free from duty shall be paid double time.
Art. 6.14.04 When a full-time employee moves from one work schedule to another, they will work all shifts as scheduled. The company will calculate the originally scheduled work hours within the last schedule. Employees will be debited or credited at straight time for any hours that are in excess of or less than the standard work
week as defined in Article 6.01.01.
Notwithstanding Article 6.04, the Company will adjust an employee’s last day of the previous schedule or the first day of a new schedule in cases where an employee would not have nine consecutive hours free from duty between the two (2) shifts.
If an employee’s schedule has too many consecutive days, they may request reduced overtime. Requests will be granted based on operational requirements and will supersede the regular RO process.
Consideration for too many consecutive days will be based on:
4×4 or 4×3: More than 6; 5×3 or 5×4: More than 7; All others: More than 8;
If you require a day off due to equalization or do not have the minimum 9 hours rest between shifts, please send your request by email to [email protected] and cc the union at [email protected].
9.01 A person being hired into a classification covered by this Agreement will be required to serve a probationary period of one hundred and eighty-two (182) days from date of permanent employment. The probationary period shall not be extended due to annual vacation or training.
At the moment there’s still no dates when members will receive their Telework kits. Hopefully we will have more information in the coming week.
Manager meetings
Know your rights, when attending a managers meeting you may request the presence of a Union Rep if needed. Your meetings will be posted in totalview ahead of time.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the union at [email protected].
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair

Monday October 31, 2022
Greetings everyone,
For the members who have been approved for the VPP program and elected for time bank deductions, 40 hours will be deducted on the paycheck of November 23, 2022.
This pay period is between on October 30, 2022 and November 12, 2022. If you don not have enough hours in your time bank for the pay period cut off of November 14th, 2022
deductions will be automatically moved to payroll deduction.Payroll deductions will begin on the first pay period of 2023 which is January 4, 2023, please see
For each week of additional vacation awarded to an employee, the employee
will be charged 2 percent (2%) of their basic salary for one entire year. This will
be paid via payroll deduction throughout the vacation year.
If you have any questions, please contact the union office at [email protected].
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair
Vacation E Bid 2023
Thursday October 27,2023
Good evening everyone,
I’m please to announce the vacation bid for 2023 will start on Tuesday November 15th, 2022. You will be receiving a bid vacation package
in your company email shortly.Please check out the Unifor District 300 – YTORES link on Acaeronet share point for more information.
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair

The Union office will be closed on Thursday October 13th and Friday October 14th 2022 due to staff training. If you require any assistance please send an email to [email protected] as it will be monitored.

Monday September 26, 2022
Greetings District 300 Members,
As we come to the end of another shift bid, I would like to remind all members to pay attention to your new break times attached to your new shifts. Also, when your new shift and vacation are loaded in Total View, it is your responsibility to check that the information is correct. You can avoid any misunderstandings by logging into totalview at the beginning of each shift, read and acknowledge any changes to your schedule.
Art.6.04.01 If an employee will not have nine (9) hours free from duty between leaving work and reporting for duty for the next scheduled shift, the employee will be relieved from reporting for duty until nine (9) hours have elapsed without any time debit. Alternatively, if the Company requires the employee to report for duty for the next scheduled shift, then the difference between the actual time they were free from duty and the nine (9) hours they should have been free from duty shall be paid double time.
Art. 6.14.04 When a full-time employee moves from one work schedule to another, they will work all shifts as scheduled. The company will calculate the originally scheduled work hours within the last schedule. Employees will be debited or credited at straight time for any hours that are in excess of or less than the standard work
week as defined in Article 6.01.01.
Notwithstanding Article 6.04, the Company will adjust an employee’s last day of the previous schedule or the first day of a new schedule in cases where an employee would not have nine consecutive hours free from duty between the two (2) shifts.
If an employee’s schedule has too many consecutive days, they may request reduced overtime. Requests will be granted based on operational requirements and will supersede the regular RO process.
Consideration for too many consecutive days will be based on:
4×4 or 4×3: More than 6; 5×3 or 5×4: More than 7; All others: More than 8;
If you require a day off due to equalization or do not have the minimum 9 hours rest between shifts, please send your request by email to [email protected] and cc the union at [email protected].
ARTICLE 9.01 A person being hired into a classification covered by this Agreement will be required to serve a probationary period of one hundred and eighty-two (182) days from date of permanent employment. The probationary period shall not be extended due to annual vacation or training.
Application process is now closed for 2023. Any members who have applied for VPP in 2023 please see eligibility below:
The following will not be eligible for VPP:
• Employees who maintain their Statutory Holidays
• Employees who selected Option B or C of the General Holiday program
• Inactive employees who do not have a confirmed return to work date in 2022 as of
October 1, 2022
• Temporary employees
At the moment there’s still no new Telework opportunity for this year. We have been advised by the company in January that the WFH allotment was given out for this year. Hopefully we will have more information in the new year.
Manager meetings
Know your rights, when attending a managers meeting you may request the presence of a Union Rep if needed. Your meetings will be posted in totalview ahead of time.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the union at [email protected].
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair
Updates and Reminders
September 15th, 2022
Greetings District 300 members,
The GHO/VPP the deadline is today Thursday September 15th, 2022. There will be no exceptions if you miss the deadline. All applications must be submitted today through by logging into ACaeronet-HR Connex-eHR Kisok- Unifor- AC General Holidays & VPP. You will get a confirmation in your company email for this transaction.
Groups Training
For those who have bid into the Groups department, training will start on Monday October 3rd, 2022.
Training will be at approximatly 6 weeks long and will be in class at Convair and OJT will be at the
Call Centre.
Customer Relations Assignment
Members who have been accepted to assist with Customer Relations, will start training on Monday September 19th, 2022 at the Air Canada Hanger – Bay 5 room 4703-325 from 0700-1500.
If you’re unable to participate, please advise your CSM before tomorrow Friday September 16th, 2022.
Food Truck
Come out to the Call Centre on Friday Septembeer 16th, 2022 between 1100-1400 or 1600-2200 to celebrate Air Canada’s 85th anniversary! There will be a food truck aviliabel to serve Halal Beef Burgers, Hot Dogs and Veggie Burgers. Tickets will be provided by the company.
Airport Transfer
Members transferring to the airport should have recvied a welcome email. Please take time to read the attachments and complete the following forms:
Employee-Parking Terms and Conditions and Parking Permit Application Form.
Do you require parking? If so, please fill out the forms, which has been attached to this email, signed, and bring it to the resource office.
You will be scheduled in relief. Your schedule will be entered in the next days.
Please note we have 2 rules for schedule changes:
- Days on and off and your shift rotation require 14-day notice.
- Changes to shift times require 48-hour notice.
- For this reason, relief employees are asked to limit shift trades 2 weeks in advance.
Please fill out the relief preference sheet provied by the company.
To obtain a RAIC in our station, you need to complete our online modules and complete the RAIC application form. Please follow the link:
Please book your appointment for the pass office the following link below. Please note, that new slots will be released every 30 mins.
I have attached RAIC application guide for your reference. If you are holding a valid RAIC at this moment, please bring a confirmation from your local Pass office, that you have returned your RAIC. This will speed up the process to obtain your new RAIC in Toronto.
Your vacation will be carried over. I have received the information already and Staff connect will be updated accordingly.
Training department has been advised and they will schedule you in one of the CES26 training. You will receive an email with the training schedule.
If you have any further questions or concern please contact:
Workforce Planning Manager Chika Kanaganathan at 437 324 2223, or by email at: [email protected]
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair
Shift Bid Reminders
Shift Bid Reminders
Thursday September 8th, 2022
SharePoint – the link to the live bid is included in the original email sent by Cathy in Resops. Please Pin this email for quick access. Members are reminded to look at the SharePoint prior to their bid time.
Shift bid/Proxy forms – Please remember to fill out your shift bid form/proxy form and send a copy to Cathy by email at [email protected] and a copy to the Union by email at [email protected]. Deadline is Monday September 12, 2022 at 0800.
Bid Day- Each member is allotted 2 minutes in the bid room (or on call). Once you have chosen a line, changes are not permitted. If you miss your bid time for any reason and did not hand in a shift bid/proxy form, you will be awarded a line at the end of the bid.
Asia Desk- For our members bidding the Asia Desk please be advised that flex is not permitted for startup shifts.
5×3 Rotation- When bidding a line from the 5×3 rotation, you will rotate your days on and off, but the start time remains the same. Please note when you go through the lines, you will hit one week in 8 which is a relief line and can be altered as per article 6.13.06 and article 6.13.07. On the SharePoint for the bids, the Relief will be highlighted in blue with an R beside the time of the shift.
Equalization – there are a few parts to equalization with the shift bids:
1. When a full-time employee moves from one work schedule to another, they will work all shifts as scheduled. The company will calculate the originally scheduled work hours within the last schedule. Employees will be debited or credited at straight time for any hours that are in excess of or less than the standard work week as defined in Article 6.01.01
2. If an employee’s schedule has too many consecutive days, they may request reduced overtime. Requests will be granted based on operational requirements and will supersede the regular RO process. Consideration for too many consecutive days will be based on: 4×4 or 4×3: More than 6; 5×3 or 5×4: More than 7; All others: More than 8;
3. Any bid employee that is owing the Company hours or as a result of equalization, may request to work additional hours through their local Resource manager. The request must be made prior to the bid implementation date. The additional hours will be worked at a time that is suitable for operational requirements and the employee. The additional hours will be scheduled within a two (2) week period from the bid implementation date. Any relief employee owing the company ten (10) hours or greater may request to work additional hours as well. These hours must be scheduled within one (1) month of the employee receiving their equalization calculation.
The Union office will be opened form 0800-1600 on bid days. If you have any questions, please contact the Union office at 416-637-0620 prior to your bid time.
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair
Updates and Reminders
Greeting District 300 members,
I will be on vacation from September 5th to September 9th, 2022 and Carmen Zuloaga will
be covering the union office and can be reached by phone at 416-637-0620 or by email at: [email protected].
Please see below for some updates and reminders:
If your WSIB claim has been denied due to covid please forward the denial letter in
PDF format to the National Health and Saftey Coordinator Sylvie Schmitt at:
[email protected]. Please remember to include your full name, employee number,
phone number and a summary of your claim using your personal email address.
Transfers to the airport
Members transferring to the airport will be starting on October 2, 2022. Please check your company email for more information.
Transfers to Res
Members transferring into res will start training at convair on Monday October 3,2022. Training will be
approximatly 10 weeks long, phase 1 will be in class setting and phase 2 will be virtual.
You will be bidding with us in the upcoming shiftbid scheduled on September 14th and 15th 2022.
Please check your company email for more information as this will be communicated by Resops.
The GHO/VPP tool is now opened for 2023. Deadline is September 15th, 2022. Please read the
document entirely for accurate information.
Manager meetings
Know your rights, when attending a managers meeting you may request the presence of a Union Rep
if needed. Your meetings will be posted in totalview ahead of time.
Upcoming Shift Bid
The upcoming shift bid will commence on September 14th and 15th, 2022. The new bid is scheduled to start on
Sunday October 2, 2022. This bid is scheduled to end on Saturday January 7th, 2022 (subject to change).
Employee Share Ownership Plan enrolment is now open
Canada- and U.S.-based employees can enrol or change their contribution percentage in the Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) from Sept. 1 to 15 inclusively.
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair

Wednesday August 10, 2022.
Greetings District 300 members,
Just a few reminders,
The upcoming shift bid
The CRC committee will meet on August 31 and September 1, 2022. Shifts will be posted after September 1,2022 and the shift bid will commence on September 14th and 15th, 2022. The new bid is schedule to start on Sunday October 2, 2022. This bid is scheduled to end on Saturday January 7th, 2022 (subject to change).
For the members who are interested and are eligible to transfer, please make sure your requests are updated in the HR Kiosk. The Company has declared vacancies at the airports and the union was advised that a new snapshot will be taken at anytime. It’s the responsibility of each member to check and validate their transfer request at all times.
The GHO/VPP tool is now opened for 2023. Deadline is September 15th, 2022.Please read the document entirely for accurate information.
Collective Agreement
Hot off the press! I’m pleased to announce that our office has received the new edition of the collective agreement. Please stop by the office to pick up you copy if you haven’t already, or see the link below:
English Version
French Version
9.01 A person being hired into a classification covered by this Agreement will be required to serve a probationary period of one hundred and eighty-two (182) days from date of permanent employment. The probationary period shall not be extended due to annual vacation or
At the moment there are no new Telework opportunity for this year. We have been advised by the company in January that the WFH allotment was given out for the year.
Groups Training is scheduled for 5-6 weeks starting on October 3, 2022 for anyone new coming into the groups department.
Manager meetings
Know your rights, when attending a managers meeting you may request the presence of a Union Rep if needed. Your meetings will be posted in totalview ahead of time.
If you have any questions please contact the union office at [email protected].
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair
Rogers Outage/Vacation
Thursday July 21, 2022
Greetings Everyone,
Last week was very challenging for all with the Rogers network outage. I’m pleased to announce that anyone with pay discrepancies regarding Double OT being cancelled or being marked as AU/AP, that this matter is now resolved and your credits will be reflected on your next pay stub. If your pay is still incorrect, please send me an email at [email protected].
A reminder to our new members class of 2022,
Please see below for your vacation entitlement:
Employees shall be entitled to vacation leave with pay. Such time away from work shall be granted in working days, exclusive of holidays, as provided in Article 13, which may occur during the vacation period in accordance with:
Less than one (1) year of continuous service by December 31st of each year – one (1) day of vacation leave for each full month of continuous service up to December 31st to a maximum of ten (10) days.
If you feel that your vacation is calculated incorrectly for this year, please send an email to Cathy at [email protected] and cc the union at [email protected] along with your start date for review.
Open House– I would like to invite all members to the office on Monday, July 26, 2022 in the main conference room between 1100-1800. Feel free to drop in to pick up a copy of the new collective agreement along with some coffee and cookies. Please contact your manager if will be working in the office on Monday.
Thanks everyone for your patience and have a wonderful weekend.
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair
Rogers Internet Outage
Friday July 15, 2022
Greeting Everyone,
I know that the past week has been very challenging for all with the recent Rogers internet outage.
I was on vacation but did receive your emails and had many discussions with the Bargaining Committee along with the other District Chairs at YUL and YSJ CC.
This was a very confusing day for all and please rest assure that the union is trying to resolve this matter.
A reminder to all members when sending emails to the union PLEASE send it to [email protected] and not my company email.
If anyone was coded as AU, AX or AP for July 8th, please send me an email.
If you were granted OT on July 8th, and your OT was cancelled please send me an email.
In your emails please indicate if you were trying to reach the attendance line to report any absences.
If you have any further questions please contact the union office by email at [email protected].
Thank you all for your patience.
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair
On Friday June 17th, 2022 the union and the company held our first YTO family Jamboree.
This event was a success and was enjoyed by all who attended. The Jamboree is our way to say thanks to all of members for your hard work and dedication.
There was games, prizes and surprises. We hope to see more telework members in attendance in the years to come.
Again, thanks you for all you do toady and always. Together we can achieve ours goals by creating a safe and wonderful work environment.
District Chair
District 300

Tuesday June 14th, 2022
The union and the company would like to invite
All members to our first YTO family Jamboree on Friday June 17th, 2022.
This is a free event to thank you all for your hard work and dedication. There will be games, prizes and surprises.
Any member working from home and would like to attend please contact Norva as we do have limited space available in the office.
Those attending please fill out the lunch order forms and return it to your manager or the union at [email protected].
Hope to see you there.
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair
Air Canada: We are in this together (unless you are an above-the -wing employee)
June 3, 2022 |
On May 31, 2022, Air Canada’s Corporate Resource Planning department issued a bulletin to those employees in below-the-wing positions, enticing them with double-overtime pay (time-and-half for part-time employees). The employer praised their work as ‘essential to the survival of the corporation.’Unifor, and its Local 2002, also value the important contribution our brothers and sisters in below-the-wing positions make to Air Canada, but it is hard to stand by and watch while this employer continually goes outside the Collective Agreement to entice only certain workers. Why is it okay to increase their starting wage to CAD $21.11 an hour (for most locations), while leaving our people behind at CAD $16.56? Do we not struggle with the same cost of living?This overtime incentive demonstrates that Air Canada’s Resource Planning department has no moral or ethical backbone to treat all employees fairly and equally. “We are in this together”, the bulletin proudly states. However, it should continue to say, “except for airport members, CJM members, Contact Centre members, and Customer Relations members.”Air Canada’s Corporate Resource Planning department, you need to share the wealth and not divide your own employees. In solidarity,Unifor/Air Canada Bargaining Committee, Joanne Goulet – Interim Chairperson, Western Region Soppo Gomez Gnali – Pacific Region Harold Bateman – Central Region Benoit Lapointe – Eastern Region Tracy Rector – Atlantic Region Tammy Moore – President, Unifor Local 2002 Frances Galambosy – Unifor National Service Representative, Airline Sector Leslie Dias – Unifor Director, Airlines Sector |
Friday May 27, 2022.
Greetings District 300 Members,
As we have completed another shift bid, I would like to remind all members to pay attention to your new break times attached to your new shifts. Also, when your new shift and vacation are loaded in Total View, it is your responsibility to check that the information is correct. In the past we had members who accidently worked on their days off/vacation days and did not get paid by the company. We do not want our members working for free and will be bringing this issue up at the quarterly manager/union meeting to find solution.
Minimum Rest time
Art.6.04.01 If an employee will not have nine (9) hours free from duty between leaving work and reporting for duty for the next scheduled shift, the employee will be relieved from reporting for duty until nine (9) hours have elapsed without any time debit. Alternatively, if the Company requires the employee to report for duty for the next scheduled shift, then the difference between the actual time they were free from duty and the nine (9) hours they should have been free from duty shall be paid double time.
Art.6.04.02 If an employee does not have nine (9) hours free from duty between leaving work and prior to the start of overtime preceding the next scheduled shift, the difference between the actual time they were free from duty and the nine (9) hours they should have been free from duty shall be paid double time.
Collective Agreement
Hot off the press! I’m pleased to announce that our office has received the new edition of the collective agreement. Please stop by the office to pick up you copy, or see the link below:
English Version
French Version
9.01 A person being hired into a classification covered by this Agreement will be required to serve a probationary period of one hundred and eighty-two (182) days from date of permanent employment. The probationary period shall not be extended due to annual vacation or training.
The GHO/VPP tool is now opened for 2023. Deadline is September 15th, 2022.
At the moment there are no new Telework opportunity for this year. We have been advised by the company in January that the WFH allotment was given out for the year. I will definitely be bringing this item to the upcoming meeting with the company as our department is still hiring new staff for the rest of the year.
Personal Electronic Devices
It has come to the unions attention that our members have been found watching movies and surfing the internet during work. This is considered as theft of company time and the company will be able to discipline accordingly. If you need to make a personal call, please use one of the designated quiet rooms or the lunch room. Cell phone usage is not permitted at your desk or in the hallways. Please familiarize yourselves with the company’s policy on Acpedia under Contact Centre Standards and Expectations.
We hope our members will show compliance to avoid any disciplinary action from the company.
For the members who are interested and are eligible to transfer, please make sure your requests are updated in the HR Kiosk. At this moment we do not have any dates for a new snapshot or aware of any new vacancies. It’s the responsibility of each member to check and validate their transfer request at all times.
Groups Training is scheduled for 5-6 weeks starting on June 6th, 2022 for anyone new coming into the groups department.
Manager meetings
Know your rights, when attending a managers meeting you may request the presence of a Union Rep if needed. Your meetings will be posted in totalview ahead of time.
I will be away on vacation from May 30th to June 3rd, 2022. Vice Chair Diana Bohorquez will be covering the office. Also, Vice Chairs Andrea Panagopoulos, Karen Johnson, Nathalie Alloul, Carmen Zuloaga and Sandra Neary can be reached on
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the union at [email protected].
In Solidarity,
Thursday May 19th, 2022
Greeting district 300 members,
The company has sent out the bid packages in your company emails. The seniority list is also posted. If there’s any error, please advise Resops and the Union prior to shift bid day. Shift bid days are May 24-25th, 2022 starting at 0800. The Bid will commence on June 11th, 2022 and is subject to end on September 10, 2022.
Shift Bid Reminders
SharePoint – the link to the live bid is included in the original email sent by Cathy in Resops. Please Pin this email for quick access. Members are reminded to look at the SharePoint prior to their bid time.
Shift bid/Proxy forms – Please remember to fill out your shift bid form/proxy form and send a copy to Cathy by email at [email protected] and a copy to the Union by email at [email protected]. Deadline is Monday May 23, 2022 at 0800.
Bid Day – Each member is allotted 2 minutes in the bid room (or on call). Once you have chosen a line, changes are not permitted.
If you miss your bid time for any reason and did not hand in a shift bid/proxy form, you will be awarded a line at the end of the bid.
Asia Desk– For our members bidding the Asia Desk please be advised that flex is not permitted for startup shifts. For more information on the Asia Desk operations please sign up to attend the roadshow on March 17th, 2022 or March 30th, 2022.
5×3 Rotation– When bidding a line from the 5×3 rotation, you will rotate your days on and off, but the start time remains the same. Please note when you go through the lines, you will hit one week in 8 which is a relief line and can be altered as per article 6.13.06 and article 6.13.07.
On the SharePoint for the bids, the Relief will be highlighted in blue with an R beside the time of the shift.
Equalization – there are a few parts to equalization with the shift bids:
1. When a full-time employee moves from one work schedule to another, they will work all shifts as scheduled. The company will calculate the originally scheduled work hours within the last schedule. Employees will be debited or credited at straight time for any hours that are in excess of or less than the standard work week as defined in Article 6.01.01
2. If an employee’s schedule has too many consecutive days, they may request reduced overtime. Requests will be granted based on operational requirements and will supersede the regular RO process. Consideration for too many consecutive days will be based on: 4×4 or 4×3: More than 6; 5×3 or 5×4: More than 7; All others: More than 8.
3. Any bid employee that is owing the Company hours or as a result of equalization, may request to work additional hours through their local Resource manager. The request must be made prior to the bid implementation date. The additional hours will be worked at a time that is suitable for operational requirements and the employee. The additional hours will be scheduled within a two (2) week period from the bid implementation date. Any relief employee owing the company ten (10) hours or greater may request to work additional hours as well. These hours must be scheduled within one (1) month of the employee receiving their equalization calculation.
The Union office will be opened form 0800-1600 on bid days. If you have any questions, please contact the Union office at 416-637-0620 prior to your bid time.
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair
Search for:
Transfers to Toronto Airport June 6, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
For our members transferring back to the airport in June, training will begin on June 6, 2022 and will be approximately 5-6 weeks long. Any member who has vacation during this time you will be taking your vacation weeks with
you at the airport. For more information on your vacation please contact the airport Workforce Planning Manager Melissa Mccutcheon at:
There will be a mini bid that will be addressed during your training.
Upon return to the airport, you are also required to complete three modules, and your parking permit application also found on the link above.
It’s highly recommended for all members to book an appointment with the Pass Control Office for your RAIC due to long wait times. Please see RAIC attachment below.
It’s sad to see our members go but you will always be part of our YTO family.
In Solidarity,
District Chair 300
Vacancies, GHO/VPP updates
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Good evening everyone,
The company has sent out offer letters to our members requesting to transfer back to the Toronto Airport. These letters were only for FT positions. No PT positions are available at this time.
Please keep in mind that you have 24 hours to respond to the email. Failure to respond will be considered as a decline.
If you decline the offer letter you will be not be eligible for 12 months from the date of original refusal and will have to resubmit a new request.
If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact the union office at [email protected].
Application for GHO/VPP 2023 is currently delayed for Res. Hopefully the tool will be updated very shortly.
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair
Air Canada CES: Bargaining Committee – Notice of Nominated and Acclaimed Candidates for 5 BC Reps
April 29, 2022 at 1:15 PM
Notice of Nominated Candidates (1 Atlantic and 1 Pacific Region) and Acclaimed
Candidates (1 Central, 1 Eastern and 1 Western Region)
TO: Local 2002 members – Air Canada
FROM: Unifor Local 2002 Elections Committee
SUBJECT: Election for the following positions:
1 – Bargaining Committee Member Standing -1 Atlantic, 1 Pacific
The following members were officially nominated at the close of nominations on: April 25, 2022:
Atlantic Region
Tracy Rector
Cheryl Robinson
Pacific Region
Kathy Waters
Wil Leblanc
Soppo Gomez-Gnali
This election will be conducted electronically only. Electronic Voting dates and times:
Begins Monday, May 09, 2022 at 12:00 NOON and ends Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 11:59 AM
Your Elector ID and password will be sent by email. To ensure you receive this very important information, please update your Voter Profile.
The recent election call has resulted in the acclamation of the following candidates:
Central Region
Harold Bateman
Western Region
Joanne Goulet
Eastern Region
Benoit Lapointe
At this time we would like to congratulate the above candidates on their acclamation and offer our support over the term of office. The term of office begins June 1st 2022.
Please click here for the complete election file.
In solidarity,
Manon Camiré
Unifor Local 2002 Elections Committee Member

Unifor successful with Judicial Review on Monitoring and measuring grievance

Things to keep in mind when applying for GIDIP
o must deplete your sick day first
o waiting period is now 7 days
o must submit documents signed by your doctor
o when ready to return to work, must be cleared by your doctor and then OHS
o time off will be marked differently from regular sick time
o vacation time is not accumulated
o must use Unifor vacation calculator for adjusted vacation time
o no need to buy back pension
o any time on GIDIP will not count towards probation/residency clause
o shift trades will be null and void
If you require more information please contact Terry Carlucci from your personal email not AC email at:
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair
Shift Bid Reminders
Monday March 21st, 2022
Thanks everyone who submitted a shift bid/porxy sheet, deadline was this morning Monday March 21, 2022 at 0800.
Shift bid is scheduled to start on Sunday April 3nd, 2022 to June 11th, 2022
(subject to change).
Bid days March 22nd and 23rd ,2022 0800-1600. At your bid time the Union will be contacting you. Please ensure that you’re following the live bid on the sharepoint link provided by Cathy in Resops.
A reminder that you ONLY have two minutes to choose your shift. Once you accepted your bid line you will not be able to make any changes.
If we are unable to reach you for any reason, your shift will be granted based on the choices submitted. If your options are not available, you will be granted a line at the end of the bid.
Anyone bidding the Asia Desk please be advised that flex is not permitted at start up shifts. Also shift trades can only be done with language qualified members.
There is still another opportunity for anyone who is interest in attending the Asia desk roadshow on Wednesday March 30th. Please see your company emails for more information.
The union office will be opened at 0800-1600 on Tuesday March 23rd and Wednesday March 24th, 2022.
If you have any questions regarding the shift bid don’t hesitate to contact the Union office at 416-637-0620 prior to your bid time.
Good Luck!!
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair
Thursday March 17th, 2022
SharePoint – the link to the live bid is included in the original email sent by Cathy in Resops. Please Pin this email for quick access. Members are reminded to look at the SharePoint prior to their bid time.
Shift bid/Proxy forms – Please remember to fill out your shift bid form/proxy form and send a copy to Cathy by email at [email protected] and a copy to the Union by email at [email protected]. Deadline is Monday March 21, 2022 at 0800.
Bid Day- Each member is allotted 2 minutes in the bid room (or on call). Once you have chosen a line, changes are not permitted.
If you miss your bid time for any reason and did not hand in a shift bid/proxy form, you will be awarded a line at the end of the bid.
Asia Desk– For our members bidding the Asia Desk please be advised that flex is not permitted for startup shifts. For more information on the Asia Desk operations please sign up to attend the roadshow on March 17th, 2022 or March 30th, 2022.
5×3 Rotation- When bidding a line from the 5×3 rotation, you will rotate your days on and off, but the start time remains the same. Please note when you go through the lines, you will hit one week in 8 which is a relief line and can be altered as per article 6.13.06 and article 6.13.07.
On the SharePoint for the bids, the Relief will be highlighted in blue with an R beside the time of the shift.
Equalization – there are a few parts to equalization with the shift bids:
- When a full-time employee moves from one work schedule to another, they will work all shifts as scheduled. The company will calculate the originally scheduled work hours within the last schedule. Employees will be debited or credited at straight time for any hours that are in excess of or less than the standard work week as defined in Article 6.01.01
- If an employee’s schedule has too many consecutive days, they may request reduced overtime. Requests will be granted based on operational requirements and will supersede the regular RO process. Consideration for too many consecutive days will be based on: 4×4 or 4×3: More than 6; 5×3 or 5×4: More than 7; All others: More than 8;
- Any bid employee that is owing the Company hours or as a result of equalization, may request to work additional hours through their local Resource manager. The request must be made prior to the bid implementation date. The additional hours will be worked at a time that is suitable for operational requirements and the employee. The additional hours will be scheduled within a two (2) week period from the bid implementation date. Any relief employee owing the company ten (10) hours or greater may request to work additional hours as well. These hours must be scheduled within one (1) month of the employee receiving their equalization calculation.
The Union office will be opened form 0800-1600 on bid days. If you have any questions, please contact the Union office at 416-637-0620 prior to your bid time.
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair
Pay Increase
Thursday March 11th, 2022.
Good afternoon everyone,
As for the for the pay increase, please see below for clarification:
Uplift and pay progressions are scheduled for the beginning of the following pay period as established in the Collective Agreement in section 5.03.
The following pay period in this case will be March 6th, 2022 to March 19th, 2022 on the paycheque of March 30th, 2022.
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair
Wednesday March 9, 2022
For our members who are currently on the Involuntary LOA, the company has sent out an email on Monday March 7, 2022 regarding instructions on your return to work. Please see below for key dates.
…we wish to advise you that in order to maintain your employment and return from leave you must, prior to April 16, 2022, obtain and report proof either of (1) your being fully vaccinated by May 1, 2022 or (2) your having received the first dose of a vaccine prior to April 16, 2022, followed by May 1, 2022 with documented proof of an appointment for a second dose (for vaccinations which require two doses). In either case, once you are fully vaccinated and have reported your proof of it your manager will be in contact with you about your return to active duty.
Asia Desk Roadshow
On March 17th and March 30th 2022, the company will be hosting an in person and virtual roadshow for any members who are interested in bidding the Asia Desk in the upcoming shift bid. Please check your company email for more information.
Upcoming shift Bid
The CRC will be meeting on March 15th and 16th 2022. Bid packages and bid times are scheduled to be released by the company after March 16th 2022 and the upcoming shift bid is scheduled on March 22nd and 23rd 2022. The new bid will commence on April 3rd 2022 and end on June 4th, 2022 (date is subject to change due to operational requirements).
Please remember to fill out your shift bid form/proxy form and send a copy to Cathy by email at [email protected] and a copy to the Union by email at [email protected]. Deadline is Monday March 21, 2022 at 0800. If you fail to miss your bid time for any reason and did not hand in a shift bid/proxy form, you will be awarded a line at the end of the bid.
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair

Personal Electronic Devices
Monday March 7th, 2022
It has come to the Unions attention that our members have been found watching movies and surfing the internet during work. This is considered as thief of company time and the company will be able to discipline accordingly. Please familiarize yourselves with the company’s policy on Acpedia under Contact Centre Standards and Expectations:
In line with the Air Canada Information Security Policy, and with the intent to minimize the likelihood and impact of information security breaches, use of non-company issued/unauthorized electronic devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops, MP3 players, etc.) in non-designated areas, including the contact centre floor, is strictly not permitted. These devices must be out of sight at all times while on the contact centre floor. Furthermore, use of personal electronic devices is a distraction from taking great care of our customers, who deserve our full attention.
Auditors will be visiting the office in the coming weeks and we hope our members will show compliance to avoid any disciplinary action from the company.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the union at [email protected].
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair.

A message from your
Ontario Regional Director
Friday February 18, 2022
Good evening everyone,
I will be away from the office next week, Vice Chair Sandra Neary will be covering the Union office. Sandra can be reached at 416-637-0260 or by email: [email protected].
Just a couple of friendly reminders:
Manager meetings
Know your rights, when attending a managers meeting you may request the presence of a Union rep if needed. Your meetings will be posted in totalview ahead of time.
Pay Increase
On February 28th, 2022 everyone will see a pay increase. This will be reflected on your March 16th, 2022 paycheque.
Upcoming Shift Bid
The current Shift bid is scheduled to end on Saturday April 2nd, 2022. The company has advised that we will be bidding sometime in March. Bid day and times will be announced at a later time.
Vacation Reconciliation Key Dates:
First vacation statement will be issued on March 11th, 2022.
Time Bank deduction on paycheque of March 19th, 2022.
Final confirmation of your statement April 13th, 2022.
Air Canada payout/Employee deduction on pay of April 27th, 2022
Equalization ART. 6.14
Any member who was on a 5×3 on the last shift bid the company will calculate the originally scheduled work hours within the last schedule. Employees will be debited or credited at straight time for any hours that are in excess of or less than the standard work week as defined in Article 6.01.01.
This is schedule to happen on the paycheque of March 16th, 2022.
CERB 2020
Recently a few members have received an email from the company regarding pension buyback. Anyone who was on the CERB program in 2020 prior to layoff has the extended opportunity to buyback their pension by May 1, 2022. Please refer back to the email sent by the company or contact the union office for more details.
In Solidarity,
District Chair 300
Winter storm warning for Toronto
A winter storm affecting Montreal and Toronto will begin in the evening of Thursday, February 17, 2022, and will last until early Friday morning.
Due to the accumulation of snow, highways, roads, sidewalks, and parking lots may become difficult to navigate.
If you are scheduled to work in-office, make sure you take the necessary precautions to arrive on time and safely.
Superflex will be considered for those who may arrive late due to the storm.

Air Canada language program shines light on divisive culture |
February 4, 2022 |
Air Canada portrays itself as a company that welcomes diversity and respects individuality. However, the new Contact Centre Incentive Program is offensive, divisive, and discriminatory. It offers Shine Points to those who would participate in the “Program” and are willing to commit to speaking select languages (supplementary to English and French). The company suggests that this incentive program is to “support our global customers”. If so, the priorities should be to repatriate all worldwide contact centre work back to Canada, and eliminate Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), a major anxiety for our members that may hinder decent customer service. The one-time offer of Shine Points is disrespectful, implying that an employee who does not have the ability to speak another language is not worthy of a reward. Air Canada management has created yet another division within its work culture. A discussion with the union to improve the ability to link customers with the many employees that have the language abilities to serve our global customers, would be a better approach. Air Canada forgets that the language in the current collective agreement (found in Letter of Understanding No. 6 concerning Route Language) states that no more than 25% of functional requirements at each location is required. Skill-setting agents to speak multiple languages violates this provision. Unifor strongly opposes this ill-conceived incentive program, and calls on the company to withdraw it immediately. The union is asking Air Canada, genuinely, to encourage diversity and respect individuality. In solidarity, Air Canada Bargaining Committee Steve Murphy – Pacific Region Joanne Goulet – Interim Chairperson, Western Region David Peng – Central Region Benoit Lapointe – Eastern Region Cheryl Robinson – Atlantic Region Tammy Moore – President, Unifor Local 2002 Frances Galambosy – Unifor National Service Representative, Airline Sector Leslie Dias – Unifor Director, Airlines Sector |
Return to Work Reminders
Tuesday February 1, 2022
Anyone who returned to work from layoff status last year and is currently on the B Scale,
there are two scheduled pay increase each year. One on February 28th 2022 and the second
is scheduled for your new anniversary date. If you have not been advised of your new
anniversary date, please check My Career History found on the hr Connex page. If there’s
any discrepancies, please reach out to the: Employee Care Team
Phone: 1 (833) 847-3675 Email: [email protected].
In Solidary,
District Chair 300

For Unifor, Black History Month isn’t an event we only acknowledge in February.
This year, Canada recognizes Black History Month as February and Forever: Celebrating Black History Today and Every Day.
The Canadian government first recognized Black History Month in December 1995 in the House of Commons, following a motion introduced by the Honourable Dr. Jean Augustine.
Unifor has long been advocating that it is vital to acknowledge and recognize Black members everyday.
As a union, we featured Black members from locals for the past few years and allowed the different regions to see the remarkable leadership within our union.
We are committed to more than statements and more than a month of solidarity. We know that Black Canadians have made tremendous contributions and possess the skills, talents, intelligence, innovation and determination to have meaningful impacts within Unifor, across Canada and throughout the world.
It is our daily choices and actions that matter.
This month, we ask our local unions and workplace union representatives to celebrate Black Unifor members and safely support community events.
We also ask them to recognize Black Unifor members, not only in February, but each day of the year, in order to combat anti-Black racism and to continue to remove barriers in institutions that prevent Black members from fully participating.
We need to ensure physical and emotional health for all Black Canadians and continue to celebrate, appreciate and acknowledge Black communities across the country.
Information about Black History Month events can be found here.
Webinar The History of the Freedom Seekers who Came to Canada -Tuesday, February 22, 2022, at 1900 EST

Winter Storm
The company has advised that any member not feeling comfortable driving into work during the storm can UBER it to work and back home. Your UBER will be reimbursed by the company.
During winter storms the company is aware that some members will be Late for their shift, you will be able to Superflex(beyond the usual 15 mins). Please call Resops at 416-637-0622 to advise that you will be late for your shift. Once you arrive at work you are required to send an email to [email protected] and advise that you will be flexing the missing time at the end of your shift or will be not.
In Solidarity,
District 300 Chair
Shift Bid
Friday January 14, 2022
Good evening,
The company has posted the shift bids which
Can be found in your company emails.
I encourage all members to submit a Shift Bid
Form/Proxy Forms send a copy to both the Recourse
Department at [email protected]
and to the Union at [email protected]. Deadline is
0700 on January 20, 2022.
In Solidarity,

December 7, 2021
Greeting everyone,
The company has declared vacancies in the Toronto Base and at this time I encourage anyone who is interested in transferring out of Toronto Reservations to submit your transfer request through the Acaeronet portal under eHR kiosk – Unifor – e transfer.
Please keep in mind to be eligible for a transfer you must complete your residency at the Call Centre. 24 months of residency for any members who was hired at YTO or anyone who transferred into Res from the Airport or CJM and 12 months residency for members recalled from layoff status. Transfer request are valid for 12 months and will need to be revalidated in order to stay eligible.
The company will be taking a snapshot of the transfer list at any time and it’s up to each member to have their transfers request updated.
The snapshot will also be used to action the Reciprocal Transfers and Change of Status Lists. Reciprocal is a transfer from airport to airport or Call Centre to Call Centre only. As per L14.02.03 Reciprocal Transfers and Change of Status will be effective on March 1st 2022.
Anyone interested in the Phase in Program is also encouraged to submit their requests. The next window of opportunity will be in September.
A reminder that we will be bidding our new schedules on January 20-21. The company will be sending the bid packages to your company emails which will include a link to follow the live bid on SharePoint. You will be required to fill out a shift bid form and a proxy form if you will be away during bid day. The Union will be calling all members who will be away from the office.
Deadline to apply for Transfers is 2359 on Sunday January 9, 2022. No EXCEPTIONS will be made. We strongly believe this is when the Snapshot will be taken. Please have your Transfers updated.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact myself or any Vice Chairs at [email protected].
In Solidarity,
District Chair

December 31, 2021.
Greetings everyone,
Here’s a few quick reminders,
Everyone including WFH members are required to conduct a wellness assessment prior to beginning of your shift. If you fail the wellness check please call the attendance line at 1-800-755-6906 and advise that you have failed the Wellness assessment and will be using a sick day. If there is no answer please leave a detailed message stating your name, employee number, date and time of your shift.
When calling in a sick day or family responsibility day, you must specify the reason of your call (sick or family care). For Family Care you need to clarify whom your taking the day for. E.g. Mother, Father, spouse or dependent child. Please keep it simple.
Anyone applying for a FR Day to obtain a Vaccine boosters, must book the appointment during your shift time. Any appointments booked outside of your shift will be denied.
WFH members are subject to the same policies.
Please familiarize yourselves with the constantly changing covid-19 guidelines found on Acaeronet.
GHO/VPP 2022
VPP Paycheque Deductions/
GHO hours added to Time Bank:
Will occur on First paycheque of January 2022 (paycheque January 05, 2022).
Please check your paycheque if this was done correctly.
In Solidarity,
District chair
December 24, 2021
Greeting everyone,
As the never ending covid 19 pandemic is still with us, I know some of you are thinking of getting YOUR booster shot for this flu season. The Company has agreed to continue using the Family Responsibility days for your Vaccine Date. At this time you cannot use the Family Responsibility Days to escort your family members for their Vaccine shot. This process is still under review and members are asked to use Family Care days if you need to take your dependent child, spouse or parents for their Covid 19 Vaccine or Booster doses.
The process to request the Family Responsibility Day for the vaccine is to send an email to [email protected] and cc the union at [email protected] with the appointment date and attach your confirmed appointment. Once you have received your vaccine you are required to submit the confirmation of receiving the vaccine to both res ops and the union.
If you experience any side effects from the vaccine and cannot make it to work the following day you are required to call in sick.
A reminder to our WFH members, if you have come in contact or have tested positive for Covid 19, please send an email to [email protected] to advise your situation. You are required to return to the workplace if you have computer issues.
If you’re having computer issues at home, the first process is to contact res ops at 1-(800)-755-6906 option 2 and leave a message including a call back number and the type of issues you’re experiencing. Next step is to contact the help desk at 1-866-274-5444 and your manager on teams.
Wishing everyone a safe and Happy Christmas Holidays from all of us here at Unifor District 300.
District Chair

Upcoming Shift Bid

2009 Share Trust Agreement Update #4
Environmental Committee Call

Bring Back CRB Emergency Phone ZAP

Women Gender Equality

Friday October 22,2021
Please check your company email regarding confirmation of your 2022 GHO/VPP request.
In Solidarity

Friday October 15, 2021
For Those of you who have recently been recalled back to the workplace, the Union is aware of the many pay discrepancies that is still happening.
If you feel that you’re not at the correct pay scale please follow the steps:
- Email employee care team at [email protected] and cc the Union at [email protected]
- If HR responds back to fix your pay no further steps
- If you feel that HR’s response is still incorrect then we will escalate the issue
It’s important to always cc the union when sending an email to HR so we are able to follow up and escalate any incorrect responses if needed
In Solidarity,

Saturday October 9, 2021
The company is offering Groups Training commencing the following dates:
Monday October 18, 2021 and
Monday November 15, 2021
Anyone who is interested please send an email to Julie White the group’s manager.
This process will be done by seniority.
In Solidarity

Introducing new statutory holiday – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Federally regulated employers, such as Air Canada, will be adding a new statutory holiday to their calendar year,
increasing the number to 10 holidays from 9 for Canada-based employees, following Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s
announcement on June 3.
Just a reminder that everyone will be getting stat pay for September 30th. This is NOT included in the GHO program.
Results of the Vice Chair Elections
Congratulations to Yolanda Cornwall as Our Newly Acclaimed Vice Chair!

Our Future is Worth the Fight!
Recall Vacation Options
2021 Pro-Rated Vacation: Paid or Bid
Bid months available – October and November
Please submit no later than September 16, 2021
at 23:59 ET. Failure to do so, will default in your
pro-rated entitlement to be paid out during the
vacation reconciliation period of Spring 2022.
2021 Vacation bid
September 13, 2021
Hello / Bonjour,
We will shortly begin the 2021 Vacation bid (pro-rated entitlement), which will allow you to bid on weeks beginning October 10, 2021 to November 28, 2021.
Important note: In order to bid on your pro-rated 2021 vacation entitlement, you must complete and submit on the form no later than September 16th, 2021 at 23:59 ET.
Failure to do so, will default in your pro-rated entitlement to be paid out during the vacation reconciliation period of Spring 2022.
To find out your pro-rated entitlement, you may refer to eHR Kiosk>Unifor – Vacation Calculator
If you have any questions, please reach out to your local Resource Deployment Manager.

GHO VPP 2022

SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 |
Air Canada Members: Pay and Vacation Issues Front and Centre |
Many of our recently recalled members have experienced discrepancies in their pay. The union at the district and bargaining levels has engaged the company in its handling of such issues. We do not accept the explanation that delays in processing corrections were merely due to a large volume of recalls. The company must react with urgency when dealing with monetary issues that affect our members’ livelihood. The bargaining committee identified a major area of confusion and asked the company at the recent Union-Management Headquarters Meeting to provide easily accessible information on ‘Adjusted Service Date’. This information is essential in calculating pay progression, and for our members to ensure the calculation is accurate. The union will monitor this development and report to the membership when updates are available. Although the company indicated that many pay issues have been addressed, and committed to full reviews of rates/steps of our members who returned from layoff up until August 19, we encourage our members to continue reporting errors to ECT with a copy to the union. Due to the private and confidential nature of these issues, they are to be handled on a case-by-case basis. We will make it a priority to have each case settled soon. Our members recalled from layoff have received a questionnaire on vacation within 2021. After repeated demands from the union to the different levels to plan the vacation bidding as soon as possible, the company finally realized that this needed to be a priority. Many of you have asked if the company can prorate the vacation entitlement? As per the Collective Agreement Article 14.02.04 yes, they can. We encourage our members to exercise your options based on your preference. Please note the regular vacation bid for 2022 will be conducted in November as usual. Further information will be communicated as it becomes available. In the interim, please ensure that you have subscribed to e-news at In solidarity, Air Canada Bargaining Committee Steve Murphy – Pacific Region Joanne Goulet – Western Region David Peng – Central Region Benoit Lapointe – Eastern Region Cheryl Robinson – Atlantic Region Frances Galambosy – Unifor National Service Representative, Airline Sector Leslie Dias – Unifor Director, Airlines Sector Tammy Moore – President Unifor Local 2002 |
To: Unifor Active Members, Retired Members, and Eligible Dependants
You may or may not have heard that Unifor and Aleafia Health Inc. have launched a leading-edge partnership to provide union members with access to medical cannabis through Aleafia’s Canabo Medial Clinics. Aleafia is a leading medical cannabis clinic in Canada that services patients throughout the country in both official languages.
Recently, workers at Aleafia’s Canabo Medical Corporation call centre in Newfoundland joined Unifor, making Canabo the first unionized medical cannabis clinic in Canada.
Whether you have medical cannabis coverage or not, active and retired Unifor members and their eligible dependants are entitled to the discounts and benefits with Canabo. With Canabo, you have the added benefit of a 20% discount on medical cannabis products when approved by a physician.
Unifor National Representatives have begun working with locals and employers across the country to seek medical cannabis coverage in benefit plans.
Unifor members, eligible dependants and retirees may book an appointment to speak with a physician at Canabo Medical Clinics by visiting or by calling 1-888-507-7710. All appointments are fully covered by your provincial health insurance.
When using the benefits and coverage available from our relationship with Aleafia and Canabo, it remains your responsibility to ensure that you are adhering to your own workplace and employer policies regarding cannabis use. Members are advised to consult their doctor and to refer to their employer’s drug and alcohol policy to ensure compliance prior to utilizing medical marijuana therapy.
In solidarity,
Jerry Dias
National President
Earlier today Linguistic Services unveiled its language training schedule with language courses designed to acquire, improve and maintain language skills. Specialized workshops in basic, intermediate and advanced French are offered to cabin personnel and passenger agents. Some route language workshops are also offered to qualified cabin personnel to improve their impromptu announcements using the proper technical airline vocabulary.
English and French courses (oral and written) are offered at our headquarters in Montréal, and our Language Training team will hold a virtual information session on Sept. 9 (11 a.m.- 2 p.m. ET) to give information on our courses.
You can also visit the team’s website on ACaeronet, under Branches > Linguistic Services > Language Training > Courses and Schedule. For information, send a message to [email protected].
Final deadline for recording and documenting vaccination status is tomorrow
On August 25th we announced that all employees are required to be fully vaccinated by a government approved vaccine by October 31st and that for our operations to transition seamlessly by that date, we also require that all employees report their vaccination status via our vaccination status reporting tool no later than Sept. 8. Since then, thousands of you have uploaded your vaccination status via our reporting tool. Thank you to everyone who has provided their information so quickly.
If you have not already uploaded and documented your vaccination status, please ensure you do before tomorrow’s midnight deadline. Employees who fail to do so will automatically be recorded as unvaccinated and considered unavailable to fulfill their duties as of Oct. 31, 2021, unless they qualify for a substantiated medical, religious, or other exemption based on prohibited grounds of discrimination.
Employees on leave or layoff need to be vaccinated and have reported their status via our Vaccination Status Reporting Tool and have uploaded their proof of vaccination before returning to active duty.
An FAQ with more information and our vaccination status reporting tool are available via ACaeronet>All COVID-19 related news>Vaccination Hub.
SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 Air Canada Members: Scope work is not for sale Unifor is aware that Air Canada has reached out to recently retired members and offered them a temporary contract, instructing them to respond to queries at the airport help desk. It is disappointing that the company has behaved in this manner. Rather than approaching the union first, the management decided to approach some retirees underhandedly, creating anxiety among current members. Scope work will not be compromised or shared because of management’s lack of planning. Over the last few weeks, scope violations have been mounting as the company engages in panic management. The union has filed dozens of grievances in a matter of weeks. On another note, thanks to all our members who have been vigilant about scope issues. When you use the airport help desk for one of the options covered by non-union staff, please be mindful that you must not let them perform actual transactions while following their instructions. You will handle these transactions on your end, such as disruption transfers, ending a file, etc. Calls made to the help desk on ticketing, rates, and TIMATIC must be handled by members in our bargaining unit in Canada. Please ask whom you are speaking to and report to the union if your calls on these matters are taken by employees in the US as they are represented by IBT (Teamster’s Union). They are not part of our bargaining unit; therefore, it still constitutes a scope violation. Unifor has put Air Canada on notice to cease and desist this practice immediately and to stop the contracting out of our work. We will guard and maintain our scope of work with all avenues available to us. We will not back down. In solidarity, Air Canada Bargaining Committee Steve Murphy – Pacific Region Joanne Goulet – Western Region David Peng – Central Region Benoit Lapointe – Eastern Region Cheryl Robinson – Atlantic Region Frances Galambosy – Unifor National Service Representative, Airline Sector Tammy Moore – President Unifor Local 2002 |
SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 Message from the President of Unifor 2002 There is no denying that this past year has been particularly difficult as we continue to manoeuvre through the uncertainties of COVID-19. However, we need to remain optimistic that we will come through this pandemic soon. We can rejoice as the aviation sector recovers and our colleagues return to work from layoff. But this has also meant learning of government legislation that push employers to create their own vaccination policies which may impact you. The recent announcement of mandatory vaccination policies (or “mandates”) is unchartered territory for everyone involved; government, employers, unions and workers. The federal government is implementing mandatory vaccinations for federally regulated sectors including the workers and passengers in both the aviation and rail sectors. This means that many Unifor Local 2002 members will be affected and are now having to take part in some difficult discussions. Your Local 2002 leadership will be there to support members, regardless of their opinions on the issue of mandatory vaccinations (per the members’ respective employer). Unifor’s legal department has advised that the implementation of mandatory vaccination policies is not violating individuals’ human rights. Additionally, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is not relevant to this issue as the mandate pertains to private employer(s) policies; the Charter only applies to government action. Mandatory vaccination policies are being rolled out by employers as a safety issue for you, your fellow workers and customers. If the company you are employed with is implementing mandatory vaccinations with deadlines, members who do not comply with policy deadlines should expect repercussions from the employer. Your union will stand up for each member who cannot (or will not) comply with a mandatory vaccine policy, and the union will advocate for alternative solutions. Unfavourable legal opinion will not prevent us from fighting for each and every member. We have made it this far together. This mandate is very divisive and we need to continue to support each other and work together to get through the reminder of the pandemic. The only way that we can be successful is to listen to each other and be respectful, even when we have opposing views and opinions. We are in this together. In Solidarity, Tammy Moore President, Unifor Local 2002 |
RES Operations
Sun 9/5/2021 10:52 AM
Hello / Bonjour,
Please be advised that overtime is offered to all General Reservations employees in our North American Contact Centres:
• Starting Tuesday September 7 until 23:59 EST, Sunday September 12th, 2021.
Kindly note that a minimum of (1) consecutive hour is required when overtime is attached to an existing shift.
Please submit your request through TotalView Webstation, using the ($$ Overtime) activity code from the drop-down menu.
Thank you for your dedication, as we work together in ensuring to provide a superior level of service our customers can expect from us.
COVID-19 testing services now available for airport workers at reduced rates
The GTAA and Switch Health are offering reduced pricing for PCR and Antigen tests at the Switch Health Clinic located in the Value Park Garage. For a limited time, reduced pricing is also available to members of airport workers’ households.
Full details at
Recall Updates
AUGUST 26, 2021
Air Canada CSSA Members: Recalled Members and Pay Issues
Our recently recalled members have returned to very different workplaces, as a result of the pandemic, but are grateful to have been recalled and are eager to support our customers with their travel plans.
That said, we have heard from members that the rate of pay they are returning to may not be correct. The normal process is to contact the Employee Care Team for the rate of pay to be corrected if need be. However, the answers some members have received seemed incomplete or incorrect and left them with even more questions. Though the layoffs that occurred over the past months are complicating the wage increase calculations, all members need to be paid the correctly as stipulated in our collective agreement.
The Unifor Bargaining Committee has called for a meeting with Air Canada this week in order to make sure our members get all of the information they are entitled to and that any potential mistakes be corrected in a timely manner.
At this moment, we are still waiting for final answers from the company on this issue. We will communicate with you again with updates as we receive them.
In Solidarity,
Air Canada Bargaining Committee
Steve Murphy – Pacific Region
Joanne Goulet – Western Region
David Peng – Central Region
Benoit Lapointe – Eastern Region
Cheryl Robinson – Atlantic Region
Frances Galambosy – Unifor National Service Representative, Airline Sector
Tammy Moore – President Unifor Local 2002
Congratulations to Ada Zampini appointed to Air Canada Grievance Coordinator
Congratulation to Frances Galambosy and David Peng

Canada Day and Reconciliation

Congratulations Yolanda Cornwall Appointed for Women’s
Advocates Members of Air Canada Bargaining Central Region
Simplified Recall Process for members at Air Canada

Hi All
I need your help. Pls email,tweet or Call the Senators and make sure that they keep Bill c12 on the table till it is passed. Our future depends on a Healthy Climate not only in Canada but for the world.
Merci / Thank You
Ada Zampini
Vice-president Eastern Region
Liaison to the Environment committee
Thank you to all that were able to participate.

Thank you for the efforts last week by emailing, tweeting and calling the Mps and Senators on the issue of Bill 12 the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability. The Senate passed emissions-target bill before the summer break . With determination and perseverance, we can be the force of change.
Bill C 12 is not perfect, however, the actions that we have taken , has ensured that Canada has Climate accountability law. In the future we will hold the government accountable to the promises that they have made.
Thanks Again for Your pressure, we were able to obtain critical amendments to the bill. The 2026 emission objective is stronger. There will be progress reports. Also an independent advisory panel and recommendation by climate scientist.
Tell your Member of Parliament implement all of the recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s final Report
PLS Email your Mp … Link Attached

Changes At The Local
Remembering our Colleague James Hamersfeld
Introducing new statutory holiday – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

June is Indigenous History Month
Unifor has several webinar lined up … Sign up if interested

Unifor marks the 2021 International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOT) with solidarity for people of all sexual and gender minorities.

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