Human Right Department
The Unifor Local 2002 Human Rights Department works to support all members and union leaders who are seeking help with human right issues. The department coordinates workplace anti-harassment initiatives, complaint investigation and offers general human rights training programs which assist members in the fight against harassment and discrimination based on race, colour, sex, creed, sexual orientation, disability, religious beliefs or any other prohibited ground.
Our mission is to promote healthy and respectful workplaces by providing support and assistance to those who may be experiencing harassment and discrimination based on the prohibited grounds and personal harassment (bullying).
We recognize education as a means to achieve our mission and provide general education on harassment, discrimination and bullying. We also will conduct investigations of complaints in workplaces where joint investigations have been bargained with the employer.
If you have questions about Canada’s human rights policies or have experienced a human rights violation, please contact us. All queries will be kept strictly confidential.
Aviva Atlani
[email protected]
Cate Moss
Local 2002 National Human Rights Co-ordinator
Mobile: (514) 891-4062
Presented by your Unifor Local 2002 Human Rights Advocates
Jacqueline Collette and Linda Mryka

The Globe represents the diversity in our workplaces, i.e. our UNIFOR members, from different nations, ethnic and religious backgrounds from across the globe
The Arrows point inward into the globe, showing that all workers can be affected in the areas mentioned, regardless of their culture, religion, able-ness. Whatever the diversity, the intent can affect everyone
The colours of the arrows represent our diversity and that our differences do not prevent us from working together towards our common goals and to make a difference
Intentions within the Arrows represent and speak to different human rights issues that we advocate for and have promoted on the website through different articles marking important dates based on the prohibited grounds of discrimination under the Human Rights Commission
Statements within the Arrows
- Stop and think. Circumstances could change your life
Speaks to workers with disabilities, invisible and visible. Many workers with disabilities are often judged by what others believe they can or cannot do. So the reader is asked to stop and think and that at any given moment they could be “that” person with a disability.
- When we stop judging, we start learning
This speaks to discrimination, i.e. racial, homophobia, religion, etc.
- Let’s talk, let’s educate, let’s advocate
This speaks to our overall mandate that through education we promote respect.
- Embrace our diversity. Welcome our differences
Refers to Aboriginal workers and workers of colours
- Equality for all. Respect our rights
Refers to Human Rights Day and the Declaration of Human Rights
- Be the change. Step up and others will follow
Refers to being an ally and to lead by example. When we step up and do the right thing it instills confidence in others and they will want to follow and be part of the change.
The campaign is targeted to all our members and the poster will be distributed to all districts and placed on union bulletin boards and union offices allowing for a constant visual in the workplace. Promotion on Local’s website explaining the campaign and how together our members can promote respect and make a difference in our workplace, our daily life and community.
As a group, we want our members to think about human rights daily, and how together we can make a difference. By doing so we become stronger when we promote these rights collectively. We hope you will see the importance and impact of this campaign, and how it could benefit our members throughout their work environment and everyday life.

Cate Moss
Local 2002 National Human Rights Co-ordinator
Mobile: (514) 891-4062

Local 2002 Human Rights Advisors:
- Aviva Atlani
- Kim Driedger
- Manon Boucher
- Manon Camiré